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मुख्य जानकारी
Aarambh Mobile App Road Maintenance
Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Rural Development, Drinking Water & Sanitation- Shri Narendra Singh Tomar and Deputy Director General (Policy) of International Labour Organization (ILO) Ms. Deborah Greenfield have launched the Mobile App for Road Maintenance “Aarambh”.
This Mobile Phone App aims at the use of GIS based mapping for making road inventories, condition surveys, and producing cost estimates and other relevant data for preparation and monitoring of annual road maintenance plans. In addition, Tomar and Greenfield also launched a Concept Note and Guidance Note for Mobilizing Funds for Maintenance of Rural Road. The Concept Note outlines innovative ways, which can be adopted by the State Governments for mobilizing additional funds for road maintenance.
Concept Note and Guidance Note “Mobilizing Funds for Maintenance of Rural Road”.
Resource mobilization for rural roads maintenance has always been a challenge for the States. This Concept Note outlines innovative ways which can be adopted by the state Governments for mobilizing additional funds for road maintenance and presents some international best practices worldwide.
“Mobile Phone based App for Performance Based Maintenance Contracting and Community Contracting for maintenance of rural roads” Brochure
This Mobile Phone App aims at use of GIS based mapping for making road inventories, condition surveys, and producing cost estimates and other relevant data for preparation and monitoring of annual road maintenance plans. Its usage would greatly enhance the service delivery of the state level institutions in planning and implementing performance based rural roads maintenance contracts.
Important Detail
Department : Union Development
App Name : Aarambh Mobile App
Launched Date : 24 July 2017
Purpose : Rural Roads Maintenance
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